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The Perfect Spot

   ►  Tinúviel's on  DeviantArt   ►  Tinúviel's on Discord   ______________________________________________ The weather had turned pleasant, and the two wives decided to go for a walk that day, following a recommended route. Armed with a map, they set off early in the day, but the sun was already high when they realized they might be a bit lost. April checked the map occasionally, her brow furrowing. "I think we've missed that perfect spot they recommended," she said. Lari, with a loving smile, approached April, hugged her tightly, and replied, "The perfect spot is right here, with you, mi amor." She then glanced at the windmill rising amid the picturesque countryside, painted in the warm colors of autumn. With a mischievous grin, she whispered something in her wife's ear. April's smile turned even more mischievous as she bit her lip and cast a lustful gaze into Lari's eyes. They intertwined their fingers, hands held, and strolled towards t

Winter Joy

Winter Joy

 ♫ Ode an die Freude - THE DARK TENOR ♫

Winter was coming. The snow was falling, and where many complained of the cold and darkness, she was jumping for joy. The lights announced Christmas, songs echoed in the streets, maybe it was just her imagining them, but the truth was that she heard them. The little "Lake Magic" was frozen, so she didn't even think about it. She threw her coat away, put the blades on the soles of her silver boots, and skated into the little lake in her little dress. The world outside seemed to want to enclose and oppress her, but she responded with joy, arms wide open and taking in all the snow on her skin as she pirouetted. Because, quite simply, life existed to be lived...


Boots → Mon CheriElsie Boots @ Anthems(December 2021 Round)

Dress →  Mon CheriFoxxy dress winter edition - 50L gift under Anthems 2021 holiday tree! (Exclusive colors for Anthems December Round)


Hair → Nutmeg & Entwined. Cameron



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