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Always a good date for Valentine

  ►  Tinúviel's on  DeviantArt ►  Tinúviel's on Discord  ______________________________________________   Featuring these items by TETRA:   ► Dress→  TETRA  - Valentine Dress    ______________________________________________ 




Earlier in the year she was allowed to go outside. Confined in her suit she could at least feel the soft rays of winter sunshine on her second skin, while the icy breeze cooled the latex quickly. She was escorted outside and there she stood, alone in the morning air. Her senses were very limited, but she sensed that the day was splendid and sunny. Her well-polished black curves glistened and reflected the intense daylight. Her body shapes were pressed into the latex, leaving little to the imagination, and her head tightly wrapped and locked, could barely be moved in any direction, attentive to the slightest sound she could pick up from her surroundings. She tried to enjoy the two hours she was allowed to be outdoors now, who knows when the next time would be. It had been a long time since she had been able to see, speak or move freely, but that was the life she had chosen. That was the confinement she had accepted and could not regret at this point, it would be of no use... 


Join me on discord! → Tinúviel's on Discord 


Muzzle + blindfold + hood → [LiLiMD] Neck Corset Muzzle Set 

    ► On inworld store or marketplace.


- Straightjacket ► <<R-D>> StraightJacket Reverse Latex

- Corset ► NGW Wonder Set

- Inflateble Boobs ► NGW Boobies




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