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The Perfect Spot

   ►  Tinúviel's on  DeviantArt   ►  Tinúviel's on Discord   ______________________________________________ The weather had turned pleasant, and the two wives decided to go for a walk that day, following a recommended route. Armed with a map, they set off early in the day, but the sun was already high when they realized they might be a bit lost. April checked the map occasionally, her brow furrowing. "I think we've missed that perfect spot they recommended," she said. Lari, with a loving smile, approached April, hugged her tightly, and replied, "The perfect spot is right here, with you, mi amor." She then glanced at the windmill rising amid the picturesque countryside, painted in the warm colors of autumn. With a mischievous grin, she whispered something in her wife's ear. April's smile turned even more mischievous as she bit her lip and cast a lustful gaze into Lari's eyes. They intertwined their fingers, hands held, and strolled towards t

Coffee Break's Over

Cofee Break's Over



► Text by April Rose Winters - Tinúviel


A casual walk through the town’s streets and park had never been so exhilarating. It originally started as a dare, one that April never thought Lari would take so seriously. Every person they passed simply saw two masked women being safety-conscious in regards to their health and the health of others. No one suspected a hidden layer of phallic kink resting just beneath the thick cloth face coverings.

It was quite an adventure ordering their coffee. After an interesting round of charades, the two wandered off to a secluded park bench with beverages that barely resembled what they had tried to order. The masks finally came off revealing blushing cheeks and a thick rubber toy between each of the girl’s lips. They each came out with a pop as the couple enjoyed their refreshments and a bit of nature.

April fully expected to put their toys and masks away for the remainder of their outing. Surely the two had gotten their adrenaline fix for one day. Alas, as she took the remaining sips of her coffee, her heartbeat quickened at the sight of her wife slipping her own toy back in and covering it with her mask. Before she could protest, Lari had the matching dildo past her wife’s luscious lips, gently pushing it back into place.

With a lustful moan, April’s eyes caught a pedestrian on the other side of the fountain looking their way, he too wearing a mask. Sending a playful wink in her direction, the gagged woman felt her cheeks burn red, quickly hidden as the mask was slipped back over her chin onto her face. With an incoherent mumble, Lari urged her wife up and the couple wandered further into town, their kinky secret hidden almost in plain sight.


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